Private Lessons
If you choose to train your furkid yourself, our private lesson package is a six week commitment. Each weekly lesson is a minimum of 1/2 an hour in length one time per week. Ideally lessons are the same day and time weekly to maintain consistency, but we can work around your personal schedule. Your daily work between lessons is imperative to you and your furkid's success of this program. If you are not able to do your "homework" with your furkid daily, then this option probably isn't best suited for you. 

Basic Board & Train
This program is a minimum 18 day stay at our facility with no definite time frame to work at your furkid's pace. We train your furkid for you, in all basic obedience commands and house manners. We teach "sit", "sit-stay", "down", "down-stay", "heeling with auto-sits", "come" when called, "leave-it", and "wait" at gates and doors. As well as addressing any additional behavior problem you have may with your furkid. 

Advanced Board & Train
This program is an additional month (30 days) of training after the basic obedience has been learned. This is an off leash course and will teach your furkid how to obey you off of the leash, regardless of any distracting circumstances or environments. This type of training gives you the freedom to take your furkid anywhere and the peace of mind that you will have ultimate control in all situations.

If you are having problems with your furkid, we will schedule private lessons before or after group classes on Saturdays (at no additional charge) in order to give you the extra help you need. Once you walk out our door, we strive to keep our door open to you at all times. Whatever you want to achieve with your furkid, we will help you get there!

If for whatever reason you need more, you can purchase single private lessons at your convenience should you want to compete in AKC competitions, having behavioral problems, or just want one on one attention.


We offer three different training courses to meet the needs of the community.